Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Number 3 on the Number 2 SEARCH ENGINE with Category Keywords in 2.5 hours

Well, our last blog entry was pretty incredible (see it here) where we describe how we were able to get to a number 2 position on YouTube with three simple keywords (one being location-based) in 48 hours, but this latest VSEO result is SO UNBELIEVABLE – well, you’ll just have to believe me and check out the screen shot. First, check out the video:

We posted a 60 second promotional video for a client the night before in a bit of a hurry – they wanted to get it linked up on their website, so the file was loaded to the client channel on YouTube with just a headline description: the name of the company. No description, no title massaging, NO KEYWORDS! So the next morning one of our team members did a “view source” on the site, pulled the meta-description from the homepage code, added a few missing items and posted that to the description of the video on YouTube.

Next, they took the keywords directly from the website and loaded those (again, with a slight bit of modification) and then re-wrote the headline to include some key phrases about the product. You know the rest: they hit “save” and moved on.

Now it would be one thing if their company was called “ZZZmickle, Inc” and they made “flerbers” or something nobody was searching on – but the fact is, the company is called “Managed Benefits, Inc.” and they specialize in, well, managed benefits in Denver. A pretty generic name in a pretty competitive industry. I decided to do a YouTube search on “managed benefits” just for a laugh to see how many billion videos YT returned – and there (much to my surprise) was our clients’ video in the NUMBER THREE SPOT (discounting the paid positions, of course). The keywords, description & title changes were made around 11am, you can see the time stamp on the screen freeze is 1:27pm – two and a half hours later!

And the really amazing part of this? The keywords I searched on were NOT localized – this was on a total search of YouTube. Oh, and for those of you who think number of views are more important than correct keywording  in terms of placement– check the number on the screen shot: 1 view. We’re sure due to the positioning and keywording on YouTube that THAT number is sure to change!

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